Horror in the Eye of the Beholder

Horror in the Eye of the Beholder

Event: Horror in the Eye of the Beholder

Date: Throughout February 2020

Location: Online

Website: voordekunst.nl
Instagram: @horroreyebeholder
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Horror-in-the-Eye-of-the-Beholder-109825817234636/


My art project is a publication featuring 21 interviews with horror authors about their cinematic influences and horror movies in general. Each interview is also accompanied by an eye-portrait of the specific writer, hand-drawn with coloured pencils by me.

At the moment I am crowdfunding for the print version of this book. The digital version will be published in the spring of 2020.

The authors include 9 men and 12 women—I intentionally wanted to showcase the female authors in this project.

I would like to collaborate with your site: we could organize a couple of online contests where one could win an original drawing or a free eye portrait commission. I already have some ideas!

Please let me know what you think!

Best wishes and good luck this month with all your events and projects!

Marta Oliehoek