28 Days Of Black Women Horror Filmmakers (Blog Series)

Event: 28 Days Of Black Women Horror Filmmakers
Date: February 1st-28th, 2018 (all month long!)
Website: http://www.graveyardshiftsisters.com
Social Media: https://twitter.com/GraveyardSister
Details: Graveyard Shift Sisters does double duty each February to celebrate Women in Horror Month and Black History Month as a combined force that recognizes the massive contributions of Black women to the horror genre. In 2018, we’re highlighting the emerging voices in the director/filmmaker space.
Black women are creating some of the most original, compelling, and ambitious films in horror right now. Each day in February is dedicated to one of them as a homage to their hard work and their history making efforts as we look towards the future where the genre will evolve and prosper from showing equitable attention to intersectional perspectives.